Conservation status-wise list of mammals

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List of the endangered species of India determined by their IUCN status.
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Critically Endangered

6 species in this category.

Species nameSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Crocidura andamanensisCrocidura andamanensisAndaman shrewThe Andaman Shrew or Andaman White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura andamanensis) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to India and is critically endangered.
Crocidura jenkinsiCrocidura jenkinsiJenkin's ShrewThe Jenkin's Shrew (Crocidura jenkinsi) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to India and is critically endangered.
Crocidura nicobaricaCrocidura nicobaricaNicobar ShrewThe Nicobar Shrew or Nicobar White-tailed Shrew (Crocidura nicobarica) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to India and is critically endangered.
Orcaella brevirostrisOrcaella brevirostrisIrrawaddy dolphinThe Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is a euryhaline species of Oceanic dolphin found in discontinuous sub-populations near sea coasts and in estuaries and rivers in parts of the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia. Genetically the Irrawaddy Dolphin is closely related to the Orca (Killer whale). Although sometimes called the Irrawaddy River Dolphin, it is not a true river dolphin but an oceanic dolphin that lives in brackish water near coasts, river mouths and in estuaries. It has established sub-populations in freshwater rivers, including the Ganges and the Mekong as well as the Irrawaddy River from which it takes its name. Its range extends from the Bay of Bengal to New Guinea and the Philippines. Populations in India may be vulnerable to extinction. (Source:Wikipedia)
Sus salvaniusSus salvaniusPigmy HogPygmy hog (Sus salvanius/Porcula salvania) is an endangered species of small wild pig, previously spread across India, Nepal, and Bhutan but now only found in Assam. The current world population is about 150 individuals or fewer. Recent conservation measures have improved the prospects of survival in the wild of this critically endangered species. (Source:Wikipedia)
Viverra civettinaViverra civettinaMalabar Civet,Malabar Large-spotted CivetThe Malabar Large-spotted Civet (Viverra civettina), is a civet. It is also known as the Malabar Civet and called Jawadi Veruku - ജാവാദി വെരുകു് in Malayalam and Chirathe Bekku in Kannada. The species was once common along the lowland coastal tracts of Kerala and Karnataka in South India. It became rare by the beginning of the 20th century, but was still often used for producing civetin musk in the 1960's. In 1990, isolated populations of the Malabar Large-spotted Civet still survived in less disturbed areas of South Malabar. In 1999, fewer than 250 mature individuals were thought to survive in the wild. (Source:Wikipedia)


19 species in this category.

Species nameSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Ailurus fulgensAilurus fulgensRed Panda
Axis porcinusAxis porcinusHog DeerThe Hog Deer (Axis porcinus) is a small deer whose habitat ranges from Pakistan, through northern India, to mainland southeast Asia. The subspecies Axis porcinus porcinus is spread across most of the Indo-Gangetic plain. The hog deer gets its name from the hog-like manner in which it runs through the forests with its head hung low so that it can duck under obstacles instead of leaping over them like most other deer. (Source:Wikipedia)
Balaenoptera borealisBalaenoptera borealisSei whaleThe sei whale (pronounced /ˈseɪ/ or /ˈsaɪ/), Balaenoptera borealis, is a baleen whale, the third-largest rorqual after the blue whale and the fin whale. It inhabits most oceans and adjoining seas, and prefers deep offshore waters. It is among the fastest of all cetaceans, and can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometres per hour over short distances. Following large-scale commercial whaling during the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when over 238,000 whales were taken, the sei whale is now internationally protected, although limited hunting occurs under controversial research programmes conducted by Iceland and Japan. As of 2006, its worldwide population was about 54,000, about a fifth of its pre-whaling population. (Source:Wikipedia)
Balaenoptera musculusBalaenoptera musculusBlue whaleThe blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. It is the largest animal ever known to have existed. Two subspecies - B. m. brevicauda and B. m. indica - are found in Indian territorial waters. Blue whales were abundant in nearly all the oceans on Earth until the beginning of the twentieth century. For over a century, they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers until protected by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 blue whales worldwide (Source:Wikipedia)
Balaenoptera physalusBalaenoptera physalusFinback whale, Fin whale, Razorback, Common rorqualThe fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), also called the finback whale, razorback, or common rorqual, is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. It is the second largest whale and the second largest living animal after the blue whale, growing to nearly 27 meters. Like all other large whales, the fin whale was heavily hunted during the twentieth century and is an endangered species. Almost 750,000 fin whales were taken from the Southern Hemisphere alone between 1904 and 1979 and less than 3,000 currently remain in that region. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) has issued a moratorium on commercial hunting of this whale, although Iceland and Japan have resumed hunting. (Source:Wikipedia)
Bubalis bubalisBubalis bubalisWater buffalo,Wild Asian buffalo,Wild Asiatic buffaloThe wild water buffalo (Bubalis bubalis arnee or 'Bubalus arnee) is a large ungulate, a member of the bovine subfamily and the ancestor of the domestic water buffalo. It is the second largest wild bovid, smaller only than the Gaur. It is an endangered species, thought to survive in (from west to east) India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Thailand. Wild Asian water buffalo are extinct in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Laos and Viet Nam. (Source:Wikipedia) Although domesticated water buffalo are thriving and are distributed well beyond their native range, true wild water buffalo are in jeopardy. It may be that no true wild water buffalo exist, but have been lost to interbreeding with domesticated or feral buffalo. (Source:Encyclopedia of Life through Animal Diversity Web)
Capra falconeriCapra falconeriMarkhorThe Markhor (Capra falconeri) is a large species of wild goat that is found in northeastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir in India, southern Tajikistan and southern Uzbekistan. The species is classed by the IUCN as Endangered, as there are fewer than 2,500 mature individuals which continued to decline by an estimated 20% over 2 generations. The Markhor is the National Animal of Pakistan. (Source:Wikipedia)
Caprolagus hispidusCaprolagus hispidusHispid Hare, Bristly Rabbit, Assam RabbitThe Hispid Hare (Caprolagus hispidus) is a leporid native to the foothills of the Himalaya and is also called Bristly Rabbit and Assam Rabbit. This hare was formerly widely distributed but its habitat is much reduced and degraded by deforestation, cultivation, and human settlement. It is one of the world's rarest mammals. (Source:Wikipedia)
Cervus elaphusCervus elaphusKashmir Stag, Hangul, Red DeerThe Kashmir stag (Cervus elaphus hanglu), also called hangul, is a subspecies of Red Deer native to northern Pakistan and India, especially in Jammu and Kashmir where it is the state animal. This deer lives in groups of two to 18 individuals in dense riverine forests, high valleys, and mountains of the Kashmir valley and northern Chamba in Himachal Pradesh. In Kashmir, it's found in Dachigam National Park at elevations of 3,035 meters. During 1940's, their number was believed to be about 3,000-5,000. As per the latest census in 2008, only around 160 exist. (Source:Wikipedia)
Cervus eldiCervus eldiEld's Deer, Thamin, Brow-antlered DeerEld's Deer (Rucervus eldii), also known as the Thamin or Brow-antlered Deer, is an endangered species of deer indigenous to southeastern Asia. The species was first discovered by westerners in Manipur in India in 1839. The scientific name Cervus eldi was coined in 1844 in honour of Lt. Percy Eld – a British officer. According to the Forest Department's census in 2003, only 180 individuals of the species remain in the wild. (Source:Wikipedia)
Cuon alpinusCuon alpinusDholeThe Dhole (Cuon alpinus) is a species of canid native to Southeast Asia. It is the only extant member of the genus Cuon, which differs from Canis by the reduced number of molars and greater number of teats. The dholes are classed as endangered by the IUCN, due to ongoing habitat loss, depletion of its prey base, competition from other predators, persecution and possibly diseases from domestic and feral dogs.

The dhole is highly social animal, living in large clans which occasionally split up into small packs to hunt. It primarily preys on medium-sized ungulates, which it hunts by tiring them out in long chases, and kills by disemboweling them. Unlike most social canids (but similar to African wild dogs), dholes let their pups eat first at a kill. Though fearful of humans, dhole packs are bold enough to attack large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, water buffalo, and even tigers.

In India, they still occur in India south of the Ganges River, especially in the Central Indian Highlands and the Western and Eastern Ghats. Dholes also occur in northeast India's states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya and West Bengal. They have a precarious, fragmented distribution in Himalaya and north-west India. They are occasionally reported in the Ladakh area of Kashmir, contiguous with the Tibetan highlands and China. (Source:Wikipedia)
Elephas maximusElephas maximusIndian Elephant, Asian ElephantThe Asian or Asiatic Elephant (Elephas maximus), sometimes known by the name of one of its subspecies, the Indian Elephant, is one of the three living species of elephant, and the only living species of the genus Elephas. It is the largest living land animal in Asia. The species is found primarily in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and parts of Nepal and Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Bhutan, and Sumatra. It is considered endangered due to habitat loss and poaching, with between 41,410 and 52,345 elephants left in the wild. Asian elephants are rather long-lived, with a maximum recorded life span of 86 years. This animal is widely domesticated, and has been used in forestry in South and Southeast Asia for centuries and also in ceremonial purposes. Historical sources indicate that they were sometimes used during the harvest season primarily for milling. Wild elephants attract tourist money to the areas where they can most readily be seen, but damage crops, and may enter villages to raid gardens. (Source:Wikipedia)
Moschus chrysogasterMoschus chrysogasterAlpine Musk DeerThe Alpine Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster) is a species of musk deer. It is occurs the highlands of central China, south and west to the Himalayas. (Source:Wikipedia)
Moschus fuscusMoschus fuscusDusky Musk DeerThe Black Musk Deer or Dusky Musk Deer (Moschus fuscus) is a species of even-toed ungulate in the Moschidae family. It is found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, and Nepal.(Source:Wikipedia)
Panthera tigrisPanthera tigrisTigerThe tiger (Panthera tigris), a member of the Felidae family, is the largest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera. Native to much of eastern and southern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator and an obligate carnivore. Tigers are among the most recognizable and popular of the world's charismatic megafauna. They have featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore, and continue to be depicted in modern films and literature. Tigers appear on many flags and coats of arms, as mascots for sporting teams, and as the national animal of several Asian nations, including India. (Source:Wikipedia)
Pantholops hodgsoniiPantholops hodgsoniiTibetan antelope, ChiruThe Tibetan antelope or chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii) is a medium-sized bovid which is about 80 centimetres (2.6 ft) in height at the shoulder. It is the sole species in the genus Pantholops and is placed in its own subfamily, Pantholopinae. It is native to the Tibetan plateau and in Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir region of India and Pakistan. There are less than 75,000 individuals left in the wild, down from a million 50 years ago. (Source:Wikipedia)
Platanista gangeticaPlatanista gangeticaGangetic river dolphinThe South Asian River Dolphin (Platanista) is a freshwater or river dolphin found in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan which is split into two sub-species, the Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica) and Indus River Dolphin (Platanista minor minor).The Ganges River Dolphin is primarily found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers and their tributaries in India, Bangladesh and Nepal, while the Indus River Dolphin is found in the Indus river in Pakistan and its Beas and Sutlej tributaries. From the 1970s until 1998, they were regarded as separate species; however, in 1998, their classification was changed from two separate species to subspecies of a single species. The Ganges river dolphin has been recognized by the government of India as its National Aquatic Animal.
Rhinoceros unicornisRhinoceros unicornisRhinocerosThe Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) is also called Greater One-horned Rhinoceros and Asian One-horned Rhinoceros and belongs to the Rhinocerotidae family. Listed as a vulnerable species, the large mammal is primarily found in parts of north-eastern India and in protected areas in the Terai of Nepal, where populations are confined to the riverine grasslands in the foothills of the Himalayas. The Indian rhinoceros once ranged throughout the entire stretch of the Indo-Gangetic Plain but excessive hunting reduced their natural habitat drastically.Today, about 3,000 rhinos live in the wild, 2,000 of which are found in India's Assam alone.(Source:Wikipedia)
Uncia unciaUncia unciaSnow LeopardThe Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia or Panthera uncia) is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of South Asia and Central Asia. The classification of this species has been subject to change and its exact taxonomic position will not be resolved until further studies are conducted. Snow leopards live between 3,000 and 5,500 metres above sea level in the rocky mountain ranges of Central Asia. Their secretive nature means that their exact numbers are unknown, but it has been estimated that between 3,500 and 7,000 snow leopards exist in the wild and between 600 and 700 in zoos worldwide. Snow leopards cannot roar, despite possessing some ossification of the hyoid bone. This ossification was previously thought to be essential for allowing the big cats to roar, but new studies show that the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx, which are absent in the snow leopard. Snow leopard vocalizations include hisses, chuffing, mews, growls, and wailing. (Source:Wikipedia)


22 species in this category.

Species nameSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Arctictis binturongArctictis binturongBinturong, Asian Bearcat,Palawan BearcatThe Binturong (Arctictis binturong) is a species of the family Viverridae, which includes the civets and genets. It is the only member of its genus. The binturong is not a bear, and the real meaning of the original name has been lost, as the local language that gave it that name is now extinct. Its natural habitat is in trees of forest canopy in rainforest of South East Asia. It is nocturnal and sleeps on branches. It eats primarily fruit, but also has been known to eat eggs, shoots, leaves, and small animals, such as rodents or birds. Deforestation has greatly reduced its numbers. When cornered, the Binturong can be vicious. (Source:Wikipedia)
Bos frontalisBos frontalisGaur, Indian bisonThe gaur (pronounced /ˈɡaʊər/) (Bos gaurus, previously Bibos gauris) is a large, dark-coated forest ungulate of South Asia and Southeast Asia. The largest populations are found today in India. The gaur belongs to the Bovinae subfamily, which also includes bison, domestic cattle, yak and water buffalo. The gaur is the largest species of wild cattle, bigger than the African buffalo, the extinct aurochs (the ancestor of domestic cattle), wild water buffalo or bison.
Bos grunniensBos grunniensYak,Grunting oxThe yak (Bos grunniens), is a long-haired bovine found throughout the Himalayan region of south Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. In addition to a large domestic population, there is a small, vulnerable wild yak population. In the 1990's, a concerted effort was undertaken to help save the wild yak population. Domesticated yaks are kept primarily for their milk, fibre and meat, and as beasts of burden. Their dried dung is an important fuel, used all over Tibet, and is often the only fuel available on the high treeless Tibetan plateau. Yaks transport goods across mountain passes for local farmers and traders as well as for climbing and trekking expeditions. (Source:Wikipedia)
Budorcas taxicolorBudorcas taxicolorTakinThe Takin (Budorcas taxicolor) is a goat-antelope found in the Eastern Himalayas. Mitochondrial research shows that takin are related to sheep, its similarity to the muskox being an example of convergent evolution. The takin is the national animal of Bhutan. (Source:Wikipedia)
Cervus unicolorCervus unicolorSambarThe Sambar (Rusa unicolor) is a large deer native to southern and southeast Asia. Although it primarily refers to R. unicolor, the name Sambar is also sometimes used to refer to the Philippine Deer (called the Philippine Sambar) and the Rusa Deer (called the Sunda Sambar). The Sambar inhabits much of southern Asia, from southern China to Indonesia. Genetic analysis shows that the closest living relative of the sambar is probably the Javan rusa of Indonesia. (Source:Wikipedia)
Crocidura hispidaCrocidura hispidaAndaman spiny shrewThe Andaman Spiny Shrew or Andaman Shrew (Crocidura hispida) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to India. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.
Dugong dugonDugong dugonDugongThe dugong (Dugong dugon) is a large marine mammal which, together with the manatees, is one of four living species of the order Sirenia. It is the only living representative of the once-diverse family Dugongidae; its closest modern relative, Steller's Sea Cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), was hunted to extinction in the 18th century. It is also the only sirenian in its range, which spans the waters of at least 37 countries throughout the Indo-Pacific,though the majority of dugongs live in the northern waters of Australia. The dugong is the only strictly-marine herbivorous mammal, as all species of manatee utilize fresh water to some degree. (Source:Wikipedia)
Equus hemionusEquus hemionusDziggetai, Onager, Wild Asian AssThe Onager (Equus hemionus) is a large member of the genus Equus of the family Equidae (horse family) native to the deserts of Syria, Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel and Tibet. It is sometimes known as the Wild Asian Ass. Onagers are a little larger than donkeys and they are notoriously untameable.
Helarctos malayanusHelarctos malayanusMalayan Sun bear, Sun bearThe Sun Bear (Ursus malayanus), sometimes known as the Honey Bear, is a bear found primarily in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Adult Sun Bears have almost no predators except humans, due to their fierce reputation and formidable teeth. Occasionally, they may be overwhelmed by tigers, or large reticulated pythons. The recent decline in the Sun Bear population can be largely attributed to the hunting of "nuisance bears" that destroy crops and widespread poaching driven by the market for their fur and for their bile, which is used in Chinese medicine. Sometimes, Sun Bears are captured or bred to be domestic pets. The IUCN reclassified the Sun Bear from "data deficient" to "vulnerable" status in 2007. (Source:Wikipedia)
Melursus ursinusMelursus ursinusSloth bearThe Sloth Bear (Ursus ursinus, Melursus ursinus), also known as the Labiated Bear, is an arboreal, nocturnal and insectivorous species of bear restricted to the Indian subcontinent. (Source:Wikipedia)
Naemorhedus sumatraensisNaemorhedus sumatraensisSerow, Himalayan SerowThe Himalayan Serow (Capricornis thar) is a vulnerable goat-antelope, native to eastern and southeastern Bangladesh, the Himalayas (Bhutan, northern India, and Nepal), northeastern India, and probably western Burma. It has been considered a subspecies of C. sumatraensis. (Source:Wikipedia)
Neofelis nebulosaNeofelis nebulosaClouded LeopardThe Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a felid found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China, and has been classified as vulnerable in 2008 by IUCN. Its total population size is suspected to be fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, with a decreasing population trend and no single population numbering more than 1,000 adults.
Neophocaena phocaenoidesNeophocaena phocaenoidesFinless porpoiseThe Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) is one of six porpoise species. The Finless Porpoise lives in the coastal waters of Asia, especially around Korea, India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Japan. Throughout their range, the porpoises stay in shallow waters (up to 50 m), close to the shore, in waters with soft or sandy seabeds. In exceptional cases they have been encountered as far as 160 kilometres off-shore in the East China and Yellow Seas, albeit still in shallow water. Like other porpoises, their behaviour tends to be not as energetic and showy as that of dolphins. They do not ride bow waves, and in some areas appear to be shy of boats. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ovis vigneiOvis vigneiUrial, Arkars, ShapoThe Urial (Ovis orientalis), also known as the Arkars or Shapo, is a species of wild sheep. Noticeable features are the reddish-brown long fur that fades during winter; males are characterized by a black ruff stretching from the neck to the chest and large horns. It is primarily found in western central Asia, but populations also exist in Ladakh (Source:Wikipedia)
Panthera leoPanthera leoLionThe lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia with an endangered remnant population in Gir Forest National Park in India, having disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru. The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a possibly irreversible population decline of thirty to fifty percent over the past two decades in its African range. Lion populations are untenable outside designated reserves and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of concern.
Pardofelis marmorataPardofelis marmorataMarbled CatThe Marbled Cat (Pardofelis marmorata) is a small cat about which relatively little is known. It is native to the forests of Southeast Asia.

Although distinctive enough to be placed in its own genus, and once considered to belong to the pantherine lineage of "big cats", the Marbled Cat is now believed to be closely related to the Asian Golden Cat and the Bay Cat, members of the genus (Catopuma). It has two generally recognized subspecies, P. m. marmorata (Southeast Asia) and P. m. charltoni (Nepal).

It is rarely sighted in its densely forested habitat, and little studied or understood. Its population is estimated at below 10,000 mature individuals. Its forested habitats have been shrinking, accounting for its vulnerable listing in IUCN. The only captive Marbled Cats registered by ISIS are a pair kept at a breeding center in the United Arab Emirates.(Source:Wikipedia)
Physeter macrocephalusPhyseter macrocephalusSperm whaleThe sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, is a marine mammal species, order Cetacea, a toothed whale (odontocete) having the largest brain of any animal. The name comes from the milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in the animal's head. The sperm whale is the only living member of genus Physeter. The species feeds on squid and fish, diving as deep as 3 kilometres, which makes it the deepest diving mammal. Its diet includes giant squid and colossal squid. The sperm whale's clicking vocalization is the loudest sound produced by any animal. Global populations are listed as Vulnerable by IUCN, although when confronted sperm whales have been known to sink ships (Source:Wikipedia).
Prionailurus rubiginosusPrionailurus rubiginosusRusty-spotted catThe Rusty-spotted Cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) is the cat family's smallest member and found only in India and Sri Lanka. Being one of the lesser studied South Asian carnivores it has been listed as Vulnerable by IUCN only in 2002. (Source:Wikipedia)
Prionailurus viverrinusPrionailurus viverrinusFishing CatThe Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a medium-sized cat whose disjunct global range extends from eastern Pakistan through portions of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, throughout Bangladesh and Mainland Southeast Asia to Sumatra and Java. Like its closest relative, the Leopard Cat, the Fishing Cat lives along rivers, streams and mangrove swamps. It is well adapted to this habitat, being an eager and skilled swimmer. (Source:Wikipedia)
Tetracerus quadricornisTetracerus quadricornisFour Horned antelopeThe Four-horned Antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis) also known as the Chousingha is an antelope found in open forest in South Asia. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Tetracerus. Its primary distribution is in India extending South of the Gangetic plains down to the state of Tamilnadu. Orissa constitutes the Eastern boundary of its distribution whereas the fragmented population at Gir is its westernmost distribution. A small population is also found in the drier forests of Nepal. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ursus thibetanusUrsus thibetanusAsiatic Black bear,White-chested bear,Moon bearThe Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus), also known as the Moon bear or White-chested bear is a medium-sized species of bear, largely adapted for arboreal life, which occurs through much of southern Asia. It is classed by the IUCN as a vulnerable species, mostly due to deforestation and active hunting for its body parts. The species is morphologically very similar to some prehistoric bears, and is thought by some scientists to be the ancestor of other extant bear species. Though largely herbivorous, Asian black bears can be very aggressive toward humans, and have frequently attacked people without provocation. The species was described by Rudyard Kipling as "the most bizarre of the ursine species." (Source:Wikipedia)
Vulpes canaVulpes canaBlanford's foxBlanford's Fox (Vulpes cana), is a small fox found in certain regions of the Middle East and some parts of India.

Near Threatened

12 species in this category.

Species nameHeader imageSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Antilope cervicapraBlack Buck.jpgAntilope cervicapraBlackbuckBlackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), is a species of antelope found mainly in India, and also in some parts of southern Nepal, and Pakistan. It is one of the fastest of all terrestrial animals reaching to speeds of up to 80 km/h. According to the Hindu mythology Blackbuck is considered as the vehicle (vahana) of the Moon-goddess Chandrama. According to the Garuda Purana of Hindu Mythology, Krishna Jinka bestows prosperity in the areas where they live. This deer is considered sacred by the Bishnoi tribe in Rajasthan. The blackbuck is under legal protection in India. (Source:Wikipedia)
Felis manulOtocolobus manul -Zurich Zoo-8a.jpgFelis manulPallas's Cat, ManulPallas's Cat (Otocolobus manul or Felis manul), also known as the Manul, is a small wild cat of Central Asia. It is named after the naturalist Peter Simon Pallas, who first described the species in 1776. Pallas's Cat is the oldest living species of a clade of felids that includes the modern genus Felis. This feline, along with the extinct Martelli's Cat, was probably one of the first two modern cats to evolve from Pseudaelurus approximately 12 million years ago. (Source:Wikipedia)
Hyaena hyaenaStripedhyenacrows.JPGHyaena hyaenaStriped hyaenaThe Striped Hyena (Hyaena hyaena) is a species of true hyena native to North and East Africa, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Middle, Central and Southern Asia. It is listed by the IUCN as Near Threatened, as the global population is estimated to be under 10,000 mature individuals. Striped hyenas are frequently referenced in Middle Eastern literature and folklore, typically as symbols of treachery and stupidity. The image of striped hyenas in Afghanistan, India and Palestine is more varied. Though feared, striped hyenas were also symbolic for love and fertility, leading to numerous varieties of love medicine derived from hyena body parts. Among the Baluch and in northern India, witches or magicians are said to ride striped hyenas at night. (Source:Wikipedia)
Lynx lynxLynx lynx2.jpgLynx lynxEuropean lynx, Common lynx , Northern lynx, Siberian lynx, Russian lynxThe Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized cat native to European and Siberian forests, where it is one of the predators. It is also known as the European lynx, Common lynx , the northern lynx, and the Siberian or Russian lynx. The species is considered "Near threatened" by IUCN. In India, the Lynx is found primarily in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir (Source:Wikipedia)
Manis crassicaudataIndianPangolin.jpgManis crassicaudataIndian PangolinThe Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) is a pangolin that is found in many parts of India and some parts of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Like other pangolins, it has large, overlapping scales on the body which act like armour. It can also curl itself into a ball as self defence against predators such as the tiger. It is an insectivore and feeds on ants and termites, digging them out of their mounds using its long claws that are as long as its forelimbs. It lives mainly in burrows and is known to climb trees. It is also considered to be a curious animal and has been killed for so-called medicinal value. (Source:Wikipedia)
Manis pentadactylaPangolin's tail.jpgManis pentadactylaChinese PangolinThe Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) is a pangolin that is found in north India, Nepal, Bhutan, possibly Bangladesh, across Myanmar to northern Indochina, through most of Taiwan and southern China. The Chinese pangolin has been referred to as the scaly anteater because that is what it resembles. (Source:Wikipedia)
Naemorhedus goralNaemorhedus goral.jpgNaemorhedus goralHimalayan Goral, Gray GoralThe Himalayan Goral (Naemorhedus goral), also known as the Gray Goral, is a small, rough-haired, cylindrical-horned ruminant native to the Himalayas. In the past, it was also known as Urotragus goral. The Himalayan Goral is found in the forests of the Himalayas and Hindukush, usually between 1000 and 4000 m in elevation. The IUCN classifies the Himalayan Goral as Near Threatened. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ovis ammonArgali.jpgOvis ammonArgali, Mountain sheep, Marco Polo sheepThe Argali, or the mountain sheep (Ovis ammon) is a wild sheep, which roams the highlands of Central Asia (Himalaya, Tibet, Altay). It is also the biggest wild sheep, standing as high as 120 cm and weighing as much as 180 kg. The Pamir argali (also called Marco Polo sheep, for they were first described by that traveller) may attain more than 6 ft in length.
Panthera pardusLeopard on a horizontal tree trunk.jpgPanthera pardusLeopardThe leopard (pronounced /ˈlɛpərd/), Panthera pardus, is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera, the other three being the tiger, lion and jaguar. It is chiefly found in sub-Saharan Africa; there are also fragmented populations in Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Malaysia, and China. Because of its declining range and population, it is listed as a "Near Threatened" species by the IUCN. The species' success in the wild is in part due to its opportunistic hunting behavior, its adaptability to habitats, its ability to run at speeds approaching 58 kilometres per hour, its unequaled ability to climb trees even when carrying a heavy carcass, and its notorious ability for stealth. The leopard consumes virtually any animal it can hunt down and catch. Its habitat ranges from rainforest to desert terrains. (Source:Wikipedia)
Procapra picticaudataBundesarchiv Bild 135-S-05-13-21, Tibetexpedition, Gazellenbock.jpgProcapra picticaudataTibetan Gazelle, GoaThe Tibetan Gazelle (Procapra picticaudata), also called Goa, is a species of antelope that inhabits the Tibetan plateau. Goas are native to the Tibetan plateau, and are widespread throughout the South western China and Tiber. There are tiny populations in the Ladakh and Sikkim regions of India. Although Goa popularions have declined over recent years, over most of their range they do not inhabit regions of high human population, and do not significantly compete with local livestock. They are classified as Near Threatened by IUCN (Source:Wikipedia)
Sousa chinensisPink Dolphin.JPGSousa chinensisIndo-pacific humpbacked dolphinThe Chinese white dolphin (Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin; Sousa chinensis) is a humpback dolphin species, one of eighty cetacean species. At birth, the dolphins are black. They change to grey, then pinkish with spots when young. Adults are white.(Source:Wikipedia)
Viverra zibethaViverra_zibetha_ras.jpgViverra zibethaLarge Indian Civet, Da ling maoThe Large Indian Civet (Viverra zibetha) is a member of the Viverrid family native to Southeast Asia. In 2008, the IUCN classified the species as Near Threatened, mainly because of the known heavy trade as wild meat.

Least Concern

45 species in this category.

Species nameHeader imageSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Arctogalidia trivirgataArctogalidia trivirgataSmall-toother palm civitThe Small-toothed Palm Civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata), also known as the Three-striped Palm Civet, is a civet. It lives in dense forests of southeast Asia. The diet is varied and omnivorous, and usually consist of insects, small mammals, nesting birds, fruits, frogs and lizards. Matching the habits of other palm civets, this species is solitary, arboreal and nocturnal. It is threatened primarily by deforestation, as are many Southeast Asian forest animals. (Source:Wikipedia)
Axis axisChital Stag.jpgAxis axisChital, Cheetal, Chital stag,Spotted deer,Axis deerThe chital or cheetal (Axis axis), also known as chital deer, spotted deer or axis deer is a deer which commonly inhabits wooded regions of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and in small numbers in Pakistan. It is the most common deer species in Indian forests.(Source:Wikipedia)
Balaena mysticetusBowheads42.jpgBalaena mysticetusBowhead whale, Greenland right whale, Arctic whaleThe bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is a baleen whale of the right whale family Balaenidae in suborder Mysticeti. A stocky dark-colored whale without a dorsal fin, it can grow to 20 meters (66 ft) in length. Estimated maximum weight of this thick-bodied species is 136 tonnes. It lives entirely in fertile Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, unlike other whales that migrate to feed or reproduce. It is also known as Greenland right whale or Arctic whale. The bowhead is perhaps the longest-living mammal, and has the largest mouth of any animal. The bowhead was an early whaling target. Its population was severely reduced before a 1966 moratorium. The population is estimated to be over 24,900 worldwide, down from an estimated 50,000 before whaling. (Source:Wikipedia)
Balaenoptera acutorostrataMinke whale size.svgBalaenoptera acutorostrataNorthern minke whale, Common minke whaleThe common minke whale or northern minke whale, (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), is a species of minke whale within the suborder of baleen whales. Due to their relative abundance common minke whales are often the focus of whale-watching cruises. Common minke whales are frequently inquisitive and will indulge in "human-watching". In contrast to the spectacularly acrobatic humpback whale, minkes do not raise their fluke out of the water when diving and are less likely to breach. Minkes can stay submerged for as long as twenty minutes.(Source:Wikipedia)
Boselaphus tragocamelusNilgai.jpgBoselaphus tragocamelusNilgai,Blue bullThe Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus), sometimes called nilgau, is an antelope, and is one of the most commonly seen wild animals of central and northern India and eastern Pakistan; it is also present in parts of southern Nepal. The mature males appear ox-like and are also known as blue bulls. The nilgai is the biggest Asian antelope. (Source:Wikipedia)
Canis aureusGolden jackal small.jpgCanis aureusGolden JackalThe Golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a medium-sized species of canid. It is a highly adaptable species, being able to exploit different foodstuffs and live in numerous different habitats, including the African savannahs, the mountains of the Caucasus and the forests of India. It is the largest of the jackals, and the only species to occur outside Africa, with 13 different subspecies being recognised. The golden jackal is sometimes featured in the folklore and mythology of human cultures with which it is sympatric: in Indian folklore, it is portrayed as a trickster, while in Ancient Egyptian religion, it played a central role under the guise of Anubis, the god of embalming. (Source:Wikipedia)
Canis lupusScandinavian grey wolf Canis lupus .jpgCanis lupusGray WolfThe gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus), often known simply as the wolf, is the largest wild member of the Canidae family and ancestors of the domestic dog. Though once abundant over much of Eurasia, North Africa and North America, the gray wolf inhabits a reduced portion of its former range due to widespread destruction of its territory, human encroachment, and the resulting human-wolf encounters that sparked broad extirpation. Even so, the gray wolf is regarded as being of least concern for extinction by the IUCN, when the entire gray wolf population is considered as a whole. Today, wolves are protected in some areas, hunted for sport in others, or may be subject to population control or extermination as threats to livestock and pets. In areas where human cultures and wolves both occur, wolves frequently feature in the folklore and mythology of those cultures, both positively and negatively. Also, studies on the genetic distance for mitochondrial DNA on dogs and Eurasian wolves confirmed that wolves are the exclusive ancestral species to dogs.(Source:Wikipedia)
Capra sibiricaSiberian Ibex.jpgCapra sibiricaSiberian IbexThe Siberian Ibex (Capra sibirica) is a species of ibex that lives in central and northern Asia. Usually living at high elevations, sometimes at the vegetation line and well above the tree line, they seek out lower slopes during the winter in search of food. When snow is heavy, they have to paw away snow to reach the vegetation below. Siberian Ibex is found in Northwestern Himalayan regions of India. (Source:Wikipedia)
Caracal caracalCaracal001.jpgCaracal caracalCaracal, Persian CatThe caracal (Caracal caracal, pronounced /ˈkærəkæl/) is a fiercely territorial medium-sized cat ranging over Western Asia and Africa. The word caracal comes from the Turkish word "karakulak", meaning "black ear". In North India and Pakistan, the caracal is locally known as syahgosh (स्याहगोष/سیاحگوش) or shyahgosh, which is a Persian-derived term meaning black ears. Although it has traditionally had the alternative names Persian Lynx, Egyptian Lynx and African Lynx, it is no longer considered to be an actual lynx. Instead, it is now believed to be closely related to the African golden cat and the serval. The caracal is classified as a small cat, yet is amongst the heaviest of all small cats, as well as the quickest, being nearly as fast as the serval. (Source:Wikipedia)
Crocidura attenuataAsian Gray Shrew area.pngCrocidura attenuataAsian grey shrewThe Asian Gray Shrew (Crocidura attenuata) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Crocidura fuliginosaSoutheast_Asian_Shrew_area.pngCrocidura fuliginosaSoutheast Asian ShrewThe Southeast Asian Shrew (Crocidura fuliginosa) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Delphinus delphisDelphinus delphis with calf.jpgDelphinus delphisSaddle-backed dolphinThe short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is a species of common dolphin. It has a larger range than the long-beaked common dolphin (D. capensis) , occurring throughout warm-temperate and tropical oceans, with the possible exception of the Indian Ocean. Short-beaked common dolphins can live in aggregations of hundreds or even thousands of dolphins.They sometimes associate with other dolphin species, such as pilot whales. They have also been observed bow riding on baleen whales, and they also bow ride on boats. It is a fast swimmer (up to 60 km/h), and breaching behavior and aerial acrobatics are common with this species.(Source:Wikipedia).
Equus kiangEquus kiang holdereri02.jpgEquus kiangKiang, Tibetan wild assThe kiang (Equus kiang) is the largest of the wild asses. This equine is native to the Tibetan Plateau, where it inhabits montane and alpine grasslands from 4,000 to 7,000 meters elevation. Its current range is restricted to Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, plains of the Tibetan plateau and northern Nepal along the Tibetan border. Other common names for this species include Tibetan wild ass, khyang, and gorkhar.
Felis chausFelis Chaus.jpgFelis chausJungle CatThe jungle cat (Felis chaus) is a medium-sized cat and considered the largest remaining species of the wild cat genus Felis. The species is also called the swamp lynx but is not closely related to the lynxes. Felis chaus is listed as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as it is widespread and common particularly in India. Population declines and range contraction are of concern, particularly in Egypt, in the Caucasus, in southwestern, central and Southeast Asia
Felis silvestrisFelis silvestris gordoni.jpgFelis silvestrisCommon Wild CatThe wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a small cat (Felinae) native to Europe, the western part of Asia, and Africa. It is a hunter of small mammals, birds, and other creatures of a similar or smaller size. A study suggests that all current house cats in the world are descendants from a group of self-domesticating wildcats 10,000 years ago, somewhere in the Near East. It is believed that this domestication occurred when the Agricultural Revolution yielded grain, which would be stored in granaries, that attracted rodents, which in turn attracted cats. The closest relative of the wildcat is the Sand Cat (Felis margarita). (Source:Wikipedia)
Lagenodelphis hoseiFraser s group.jpg.jpegLagenodelphis hoseiFraser's dolphinFraser's Dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) or Sarawak Dolphin is a cetacean in the family Delphinidae found in deep waters in the Pacific Ocean and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Fraser Dolphins' swim quickly in large tightly packed groups of about 100 to 1000 in number. Often porpoising, the group chop up the water tremendously. The sight of seeing a large group fleeing from a fishing vessels has been reported as "very dramatic". It is also marked by having the smallest genitalia of any open sea dolphin. (Source:Wikipedia)
Lepus nigricollisBlack naped hare.jpgLepus nigricollisIndian Hare, Black Naped HareThe Indian Hare (Lepus nigricollis), also known as the Black-naped Hare, is a common species of hare found in South Asia. (Source:Wikipedia)
Lepus oiostolusGreen.PNGLepus oiostolusWoolly HareThe Woolly Hare (Lepus oiostolus) is a species of mammal in the Leporidae family. It is found in China, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Mongolia. (Source:Wikipedia)
Lepus tolaiLepus tolai; Baikonur 02.jpgLepus tolaiTolai HareThe Tolai Hare (Lepus tolai) is a species of hare found in Central Asia, Mongolia, and Northern and Central China. It inhabits semi-desert, steppes, rocky habitats, and forest meadows. It is relatively common, even in areas with heavy human disturbance, due to its fast reproductive rate.
Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback Whale underwater shot.jpgMegaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whaleThe humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a species of baleen whale. It is an acrobatic animal, often breaching and slapping the water. Found in oceans and seas around the world, humpback whales typically migrate up to 25,000 kilometres each year. Humpbacks feed only in summer, in polar waters, and migrate to tropical or sub-tropical waters to breed and give birth in the winter. Like other large whales, the humpback was and is a target for the whaling industry. Due to over-hunting, its population fell by an estimated 90% before a whaling moratorium was introduced in 1966. Stocks have since partially recovered; however, entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution also remain concerns. There are at least 80,000 humpback whales worldwide. (Source:Wikipedia)
Moschiola meminnaMoschiola meminna.jpgMoschiola meminnaIndian Spotted Mouse Deer,Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain,White-spotted ChevrotainThe Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain or White-spotted Chevrotain (Moschiola meminna) is a species of even-toed ungulate in the Tragulidae family. It has been proposed that the populations of Moschiola meminna in India and Sri Lanka be split into two species - Moschiola meminna and Moschiola indica, however the current accepted name for both populations, according to ITIS and Catalogue of Life is still Moschiola meminna. In Sri Lanka, this species is found in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and is replaced in the wet zone by the Yellow-striped Chevrotain Moschiola kathygre.(Source:WIkipedia)
Muntiacus muntjakMuntjac deer.JPGMuntiacus muntjakBarking deer,Common Muntjac, Indian MuntjacThe Common Muntjac, also called Indian Muntjac or the Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) is the most numerous muntjac deer species. It has soft, short, brownish or greyish hair, sometimes with creamy markings. This species is omnivorous, feeding on fruits, shoots, seeds, birds' eggs as well as small animals and even carrion. It gives calls similar to barking, usually on sensing a predator (hence the common name for all muntjacs of barking deer).
Ochotona curzoniaeTibetan Hamster.jpgOchotona curzoniaePlateau pika,Black-lipped PikaThe Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae), also known as the Black-lipped Pika is a species of mammal in the Ochotonidae family. It is found in China, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ochotona forrestiForrest's Pika area.pngOchotona forrestiForrest's pikaThe Forrest's Pika (Ochotona forresti) is a species of mammal in the Ochotonidae family. It is found in Bhutan, China, India, and Myanmar. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ochotona macrotisLarge-eared Pika area.pngOchotona macrotisLarge-eared pikaThe Large-eared Pika (Ochotona macrotis) is a species of mammal in the Ochotonidae family. It is found in Afghanistan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ochotona royleiAne-ochotona-roylei-00661.jpgOchotona royleiRoyle's PikaThe Royle's Pika (Ochotona roylei) is a species of mammal in the Ochotonidae family. It is found in China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Ochotona thibetanaTibetan Hamster.jpgOchotona thibetanaMoupin Pika, Tibetan HamsterThe Moupin Pika (Ochotona thibetana) is a species of mammal in the Ochotonidae family. It is found in China, India, and possibly Bhutan.
Paguma larvataPalm civet on tree.jpgPaguma larvataGem-faced civet, Masked Palm Civet, Himalayan Palm CivetThe Masked Palm Civet or Himalayan Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) is a species of civet spread across the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, which in recent times was considered to be a likely vector of SARS. In 2008, the IUCN classified the species as Least Concern as it occurs in many protected areas, is tolerant to some degree of habitat modification, and widely distributed with presumed large populations that are unlikely to be declining.
Paradoxurus hermaphroditusAsian Palm Civet Over A Tree.jpgParadoxurus hermaphroditusCommon palm civet, Toddy catThe Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), also called Toddy Cat, is a small member of the Viverridae family native to South and Southeast Asia. In 2008, the IUCN classified the species as Least Concern as it is tolerant of a broad range of habitats, is widely distributed with large populations that are unlikely to be declining. (Source:Wikipedia)
Paradoxurus jerdoniBrown palm civet.jpgParadoxurus jerdoniBrown palm civetBrown Palm Civet (Paradoxurus jerdoni) also called the Jerdon's Palm Civet is a civet endemic to the Western Ghats of India. The Brown Palm Civet's distribution extends from the southern tip of Western Ghats in Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve to Castle Rock in Goa to the north. Brown Palm Civet is a solitary, nocturnal small carnivore. The brown palm civet is a key mammalian seed disperser in the Western Ghats rainforest by being predominantly frugivorous and dispersing a diverse array of plant species. Their large range and presence within several protected areas have led them to be classified as being of low conservation concern.The brown palm civet occurs in fragmented landscapes containing remnants of tropical rainforest amid commercially exploited land patches such as tea and coffee plantations. Their ability to persist in such landscapes depends on the occurrence of a diversity of fruit tree species in these areas (e.g., shade trees in coffee plantations). However, these areas often do not have large mammalian dispersers and birds like hornbills and large pigeons due to habitat loss and hunting. Hence, the brown palm civet gains importance in such human-impacted landscapes as an important disperser and maintains biodiversity. (Source:Wikipedia)
Peponocephala electraCetacea range map Melon-headed Whale.PNGPeponocephala electraMelon-headed whale, Many-toothed blackfish, Electra dolphinThe melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra) is a cetacean of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). It is closely related to the pygmy killer whale and pilot whale, and collectively these dolphin species are known by the common name blackfish. It is also related to the false killer whale. The melon-headed whale is widespread throughout the world's tropical waters, although not often seen by humans because it prefers deep water. (Source:Wikipedia)
Prionailurus bengalensisBengalkatze.jpgPrionailurus bengalensisLeopard CatThe Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is a small wild cat of Southeast Asia (south to Java and east to the Philippines), the Indian Subcontinent, eastern China, the Korean Peninsula and southeastern Russia. There are eleven subspecies of Leopard Cat, which differ widely in appearance. The Leopard Cat's name is derived from the leopard-like spots prevalent in all subspecies, but its relation to the leopard is distant, as the leopard is a member of a different genus, Panthera. (Source:Wikipedia)
Prionodon pardicolorSpotted Linsang area.pngPrionodon pardicolorSpotted linsangThe Spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor) is a linsang found in the forests of the central and eastern Himalaya. It is short, light coloured, and has a slender body with a pointed head and small limbs. It stalks its prey by crawling on its belly, when it is often mistaken for a python or other heavy-built poisonous snakes due to its slender appearance. Its diet consists of insects, rodents, lizards, birds and small mammals. It weighs less than 1 kilogram. (Source:Wikipedia)
Pseudois nayaurBharal, Himalayan blue sheep In Tibet.jpgPseudois nayaurBharal, Himalayan blue sheep, NaurThe bharal or Himalayan blue sheep or naur, Pseudois nayaur, is a caprid found in the high Himalayas of Nepal, Tibet, China, India, Pakistan, and Bhutan. The bharal has horns that grow upwards, curve out and then towards the back, somewhat like an upside down mustache. Many Buddhist monasteries protect the bharal that are found around them. (Source:Wikipedia)
Stenella attenuataSchlankdelfin.jpgStenella attenuataPan-tropical spotted dolphinThe Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata) is a species of dolphin found in all the world's temperate and tropical oceans. The species was beginning to come under threat due to the killing of millions of individuals in tuna purse seines. The 1980s saw the rise of "dolphin-friendly" tuna capture methods in order to save millions of the species in the eastern Pacific Ocean and it is now one of the most abundant dolphin species in the world. (Source:Wikipedia)
Stenella coeruleoalbaStripedDolpin.jpgStenella coeruleoalbaStriped dolphinThe Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is an extensively studied dolphin that is found in temperate and tropical waters of all the world's oceans. (Source:Wikipedia)
Steno bredanensisRough_toothed_dolphin.jpgSteno bredanensisRough-toothed dolphinThe Rough-toothed Dolphin (Steno bredanensis) is a fairly large dolphin that can be found in deep warm and tropical waters around the world. The species is social. Group sizes are commonly as large as fifty and groups as large as 100 have been reported. Rough-toothed dolphins adapt well to captivity and have proven to be intelligent and creative. Less than a dozen Rough-toothed dolphins live in various dolphinariums around the world. (Source:Wikipedia)
Sus scrofaSus scrofa cristatus Ranthambore 0.jpgSus scrofaWild boar, Wild pigWild boar (also wild pig, Sus scrofa) is a species of the pig genus Sus, part of the biological family Suidae. The species includes many subspecies. It is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig, an animal with which it freely hybridises. (Source:Wikipedia)
Tursiops truncatusNMMP dolphin with locator.jpegTursiops truncatusBottle-nosed dolphinTursiops truncatus, commonly known as the Common Bottlenose Dolphin, is the most well-known species from the family Delphinidae. Common bottlenose dolphins are the most familiar dolphins due to the wide exposure they receive in captivity in marine parks, dolphinarias, in movies, and television programs. T. truncatus are the largest species of the beaked dolphins. They have a bigger brain than humans. There have been numerous investigations of Common Bottlenose Dolphin intelligence, including tests of mimicry, use of artificial language, object categorization, and self-recognition. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ursus arctosBrown bear.jpgUrsus arctosGrizzly BearThe brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear distributed across much of northern Eurasia and North America. It can weigh from 300 to 780 kilograms and its largest subspecies, the Kodiak bear, rivals the polar bear as the largest member of the bear family and as the largest land-based predator. Grizzly bears form a very small population in northern Himalayas in India. (Source:Wikipedia)
Viverricula indicaGreen.PNGViverricula indicaSmall Indian Civet, RasseThe Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica) or Rasse is a species of civet found across south and south-east Asia as well as in the Indonesian archipelago. In Sri Lanka's Sinhala speaking community, this civet is known as Kalawedda. The Assamese name Johamaal refers to its glandular odour similar to a scented rice variety called Joha. The species has been introduced to Madagascar. (Source:Wikipedia)
Vulpes bengalensisIndianfox.jpgVulpes bengalensisBengal FoxThe Bengal Fox (Vulpes bengalensis), also known as the Indian Fox, is a fox endemic to the Indian subcontinent and is found from the Himalayan foothills and Terai of Nepal through southern India and from southern and eastern Pakistan to eastern India and southeastern Bangladesh. Lack of habitat protection,disease and hunting are the greatest threat to the Indian fox. Its body parts are used in traditional medicine, and in some areas it is eaten. They are hunted by the narikuruva tribes of southern India.In Karnataka, they are captured in rituals conducted during Sankranthi. (Source:Wikipedia)
Vulpes ferrilataTibet Fox.jpgVulpes ferrilataTibet Fox, Sand FoxThe Tibetan Sand Fox (Vulpes ferrilata) is a species of true fox endemic to the high Tibetan Plateau in Nepal, China, and India, up to altitudes of about 5300 m. It is classed as Least Concern for extinction by the IUCN, on account of its widespread range in the Tibetan Plateau's steppes and semi-deserts.
Vulpes vulpesFuchs Profil.jpgVulpes vulpesRed FoxThe Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the largest of the true foxes, as well as being the most geographically spread member of the Carnivora, being distributed across the entire northern hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America, and the steppes of Asia. Its range has increased alongside human expansion, having been introduced to Australasia, where it is considered harmful to native mammal and bird populations. Because of these factors, it is listed as Least Concern for extinction by the IUCN. The species has a long history of association with humans, having been extensively hunted as a pest and furbearer for centuries, as well as being prominently represented in human folklore and mythology. Because of its widespread distribution and large population, the red fox is one of the most important furbearing animals harvested for the fur trade. (Source:Wikipedia)
Ziphius cavirostrisWal Cuviera.jpgZiphius cavirostrisCuvier's beaked whaleCuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) is the most widely distributed of all the beaked whales. It is the only member of the genus Ziphius. Another common name for the species is goose-beaked whale because its head is said to be shaped like the beak of a goose.

Data Deficient

8 species in this category.

Species nameHeader imageSpecies nameCommon nameDescription
Balaenoptera edeniBryde's whale size.svgBalaenoptera edeniBryde's whaleBryde's whales are baleen whales, one of the "great whales" or rorquals. They prefer tropical and temperate waters over the polar seas that other whales in their family frequent. They are largely coastal rather than pelagic. Bryde's whales are very similar in appearance to sei whales and almost as large. They inhabit tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. (Source:Wikipedia)
Crocidura pergriseaKashmir White-toothed Shrew area.pngCrocidura pergriseaKashmir rock shrewThe Kashmir White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura pullata) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, and Thailand.
Crocidura pullataKashmir White-toothed Shrew area.pngCrocidura pullataDusky shrewThe Kashmir White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura pullata) is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, and Thailand.
Globicephala macrorhynchusPilotWhale.jpgGlobicephala macrorhynchusShort-finned pilot whaleThe Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) is one of the two species of cetacean in the genus Globicephala. It is part of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae), though its behaviour is closer to that of the larger whales. Short-finned Pilot Whales are very sociable and are rarely seen alone. They are found in groups of ten to thirty, though some pods are as large as sixty. hey are known as the 'Cheetahs of the Deep' for the high speed pursuits of squids at depths of hundreds of metres. (Source:Wikipedia)
Kogia brevicepsKogia breviceps range.pngKogia brevicepsPygmy sperm whaleThe Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps) is one of three species of toothed whale in the sperm whale family. They are not often sighted at sea, and most of what is known about the creatures comes from the study of washed-up specimens.(Source:Wikipedia)
Orcinus orcaKillerwhales jumping.jpgOrcinus orcaOrca,Killer whaleThe killer whale (Orcinus orca), also called Orca,or blackfish, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas. Killer whales as a species have a diverse diet including fish, sea lions, seals, walruses and even large whales. Killer whales are regarded as apex predators, lacking natural predators and preying on even large sharks. Being an apex predator, the killer whale is particularly at risk of poisoning from accumulation of toxins, including polychlorinated biphenyls

Killer whales are highly social; some populations are composed of matrilineal family groups which are the most stable of any animal species. Their sophisticated hunting techniques and vocal behaviors, which are often specific to a particular group and passed across generations, have been described as manifestations of culture.

Although IUCN considers these species as data-deficient, many local populations are endangered/threatened or vulnerable. (Source:Wikipedia)
Pseudorca crassidensPseudorca crassidens.jpgPseudorca crassidensFalse killer whaleThe False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) is a cetacean, and the third largest member of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). It lives in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. As its name implies, the False Killer Whale shares characteristics such as appearance with the more widely known Orca (killer whale). Like the orca, the False Killer Whale attacks and kills other cetaceans. However, the two species are not closely related. The False Killer Whale has not been extensively studied in the wild; much of the data about it has been derived by examining stranded animals. The species is the only member of the Pseudorca genus.(Source:Wikipedia)
Stenella longirostrisSpinner dolphins video.wmv.OGGStenella longirostrisSpinner dolphinThe Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which they spin longitudinally along their axis as they leap through the air. A possible reason for the animal's spinning is that males spin to attract females. Another suggestion is that the bubbles may act as a target for echolocation by other individuals in the school. Spinning may also be play. (Source:Wikipedia)