Azolla pinnata

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Azolla species are used as biofertilizers
Species name: Azolla pinnata

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Parameter Value(s) References
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Names of users who have contributed to this species page Gauravm
Date on which this page was first created 2010/05/12
This page was last modified on: 23 November 2010 03:59:22
Name of the species Azolla pinnata
ID on Encyclopedia of Life 596873
Synonyms Please check Binomial Classification section for synonyms.
Common English Names Mosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Fairy moss, Water fern
Common Hindi Names
Common Indian names
Origins/Meanings of the common names

Taxonomy from Encyclopedia of Life

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Taxonomy filled in form

Angiosperm phylogeny. This image is copyrighted. Rights owned by Theodore C.H.Cole (Heidelberg) and Hartmut H. Hilger (Berlin) 2010. Please obtain copyright permissions before reuse.
Click here for the PDF of the phylogeny
Taxon Value
Regnum (Kingdom) Plantae
Division Pteridophyta
Class Pteridopsida
Order Salviniales
Family Azollaceae
Genus Azolla
Source of data '

Other closely related species

SpeciesDivisionCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Equisetum ramosissimumBranched Horsetail
Marsilea minutaDwarf waterclover, Small watercloverचौपतिरा Chaupatira
Ceratopteris pteridoidesFloating antlerfern
… further results
SpeciesClassCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Azolla pinnataMosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Fairy moss, Water fern
SpeciesOrderCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Azolla pinnataMosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Fairy moss, Water fern
SpeciesFamilyCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Azolla pinnataAzollaceaeMosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Fairy moss, Water fern
SpeciesGenusCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Azolla pinnataAzollaMosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Fairy moss, Water fern

Based on classification

More details can be found in the Binomial Classification section.

Morphology from Encyclopedia of Life

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General morphology

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General morphological features of the plant The plant is essentially annual, but sometimes perennating. Azolla floats on the surface of water by means of numerous, small, closely-overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots hanging in the water. They form a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, giving the plant access to the essential nutrient. This has led to the plant being dubbed a "super-plant", as it can readily colonise areas of freshwater, and grow at great speed - doubling its biomass every two to three days. The only known limiting factor on its growth is phosphorus, another essential mineral. An abundance of phosphorus, due for example to eutrophication or chemical runoff, often leads to Azolla blooms."The plant is essentially annual, but sometimes perennating. Azolla floats on the surface of water by means of numerous, small, closely-overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots hanging in the water. They form a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, giving the plant access to the essential nutrient. This has led to the plant being dubbed a "super-plant", as it can readily colonise areas of freshwater, and grow at great speed - doubling its biomass every two to three days. The only known limiting factor on its growth is phosphorus, another essential mineral. An abundance of phosphorus, due for example to eutrophication or chemical runoff, often leads to Azolla blooms." cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. Wiki
Seed dispersal mechanism
Bloom type Annual, Perennial Cook
Life cycle of the plant

How to identify this species

For a detailed description, refer to the General Morphology details above

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Type of plant Algae
Plant height
Flower color
Flower shape
Floral symmetry
Phyllotaxy of leaves
Leaf shape
Is the leaf petiolated or sessile?
Is the leaf simple or compound?

Parameter Value(s) References
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IUCN Conservation Status Not Evaluated EoL
Indian States in which the species has been documented Assam,Andhra Pradesh,Bihar,Karnataka,Kerala,Maharashtra,Manipur,Orissa,Rajasthan,Sikkim,Tamil Nadu,Tripura,Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal Cook
Locations at which the species has been documented
Biotic zones inhabited Northeastern Himalayas, Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats, Central Deccan Plateau, East Coast, West Coast, Indo-Gangetic Plain Cook
Details about the habitat A. pinnata is a wetland, aquatic species. found freely floating on water, in inundated rice fields, canals and ponds. Azolla cannot survive winters with prolonged freezing, so is often grown as an ornamental plant at high latitudes where it cannot establish itself firmly enough to become a weed. It is not tolerant to salinity; normal plants can't survive in greater than 1-1.6‰, and even conditioned organisms die in over 5.5% salinity.

Other Azolla species are also serious weeds in many parts of the world, entirely covering some bodies of water. The myth that no mosquito can penetrate the coating of fern to lay its eggs in the water gives the plant its common name "mosquito fern".

Brinkhuis, Mosfern
Is this species native to India? No Wiki
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Sub-Himalayan regions? No Cook
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Western Ghats? No Cook
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Eastern Ghats? No Cook

Plant is not native or native status not filled in

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{{#generateMap:Assam,Andhra Pradesh,Bihar,Karnataka,Kerala,Maharashtra,Manipur,Orissa,Rajasthan,Sikkim,Tamil Nadu,Tripura,Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal|Azolla_pinnata_brahma.svg|align=center}}

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Does this species have any medicinal use?

Other plants of the same family having medicinal use:

Parameter Value(s) References
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General types of ailments this species is used for treating
Specific ailments for which the species is used
Medicinal systems which use this plant
Details of Medicinal use
Parts of the plant used for treatment
Names of some medicinal active compounds in this plant, if known.
Details of the active chemical compounds found in this plant
Is the molecular basis of the medicinal action known?
Details of molecular basis of action
Are the toxic effects of consumption of this plant known?
Details of the toxic effects of the plant species
Have there been validation/clinical studies related to this plant?
Details of the clinical studies related to the plant species

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Is this plant/plant-derived product used in food preparations?
Part(s) of the plant used in the food preparations
Details of use in food preparations
Does this species have any religious significance?
Religions which mention/give significance to this species
Religious occasions
Details of religious use

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
Is this plant cultivated commercially in India? Yes
Uses for which the plant is commercially cultivated Animal consumption, Agricultural use FAO,Pillai
Plant parts of commercial value
Products where this plant is used User-reported
Description of use Azolla has been used, for at least one thousand years, in rice paddies as a companion plant, because of its ability to both fix nitrogen, and block out light to prevent any competition from other plants, aside from the rice, which is planted when tall enough to poke out of the water through the azolla layer. When rice paddies are flooded in the spring, they can be inoculated with Azolla, which then quickly multiplies to cover the water, suppressing weeds. The rotting plant material releases nitrogen to the rice plants, providing up to nine tonnes of protein per hectare per year.

The nitrogen fixing ability of Azolla is due to the cyanobacteria in the plant. It can replace 25-30 kg nitrogen per hectare as applied through ammonium sulfate.

States where this plant is cultivated commercially
Best period for planting this plant
Best period for harvesting this plant
Method of propagation
Water requirement of this plant
Pests and Diseases affecting this plant during cultivation
Other considerations while cultivating this plant

Pubmed Word cloud

This word cloud is obtained using the tool LigerCat by searching the Pubmed database. LigerCat builds the cloud from the most relevant Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. Each term's relative size indicates how many times it appears in the PubMed search results. Click on a term to access the full LigerCat cloud, with live PubMed search capabilities. LigerCat has been developed for the Biology of Aging Project.

The page may take some time to load since LigerCat is searching the entire PubMed database and sending us the results in real time.

  • If there is an error message below, it means that there is no retrievable information available on NCBI
  • If the number of nucleotide sequences is less than 100, very little genomic work has been done on this species. A respectable number of nucleotide sequences is above 10000.
  • Most of the nucleotide sequences may come from three sources:
  1. Studies on single genes, where people try to sequence genes such as some specific dehydrogenases important,say, for tannin production
  2. Sequences of Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer, whose sequence is used for generating molecular phylogenetic trees to establish species relationships
  3. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) which can tell about which genes are present and expressed in the species at a particular time in the given tissue

{{#queryDB:taxonomy |Azolla pinnata }}

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
Details of modern scientific knowledge available for this species
Are herbarium specimen available for this species?
Institutes having herbarium samples

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Red azolla, a fast growing aquatic plant - total length of this plant is 40mm


Brinkhuis (Journal) : Brinkhuis et al (2006),Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean, Nature:441(NA):7093. doi=10.1038/nature04692

Cook (Book) : Christopher D.K. Cook (1996),', ISBN: 019854821

Pillai (Web): Azolla – A sustainable feed substitute for livestock, Accessdate=2010-06-21

FAO (Web): FAO Figures, Accessdate=2010-06-21

Wiki (Web): [{{{url}}} Wikipedia entry on Azolla], Accessdate=2010-06-21

EoL (Web): Encyclopedia of Life entry on Azolla pinnata, Accessdate=2010-06-21

Mosfern (Web): Mosquito Fern, Accessdate=2007-11-10